Conserving Materials can Save Money, and the Environment
Thursday, May 1, 2008

- Turn your computers off at the end of the day, and set your computer to go into power save mode when you walk away from it. Doing this will both reduce power usage, sometimes considerably, but it can also increase the security of your computer systems with proper passwords.
- Don’t use paper when it isn’t necessary. Sending emails is more efficient, and reduces paper waste. Modern email software can be used to backup all of your email so that you don’t need to print emails to maintain backup copies except when entirely necessary.
- When you need to print, print double sided documents. This reduces paper waste, which in a short time can turn into a lot of savings. Many modern printers are designed to print double sided,or they have low-cost adapters to allow double sided printing (called duplex printing).
- Look to find ways to reuse old equipment. This can often be much less expensive then replacing the item with a brand new one. For example, office furniture can be refurbished, saving money and reducing waste.
- Avoid making unnecessary trips. Combine your daily drive to the post office, bank, and other places into one trip to help reduce your gas usage and costs. Avoid idling engines and keep vehicles will maintained.
- Recycle your materials. Many times, recycling waste is less expensive then disposing of it in the trash. Depending on your business, you may be able to find ways to reuse old materials, or find new uses for seemingly obsolete items.
- Be creative. Encourage employees to come up with their own recycling ideas. Develop a rewards system to give employees an incentive if they find an environmentally conscious way to reduce costs.
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